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Local Bar Associations

Please select the Bar Association loacated in your geographic area. 

Local Bar Associations provide valuable services to the community, including improving public understanding of the law and the justice system, recommending local attorneys whose practice focuses in a specific area of the law, investigating and prosecuting unethical behavior of local attorneys, educating attorneys via CLEs, mentoring new attorneys, and providing pro bono work.

If you do not have a bar association in your city or county, you may contact the Ohio State Bar Association. 

The Ohio State Bar Association

1700 Lake Shore Drive, Suite 100

Columbus, OH 43204

Phone: 800-282-6556

Office of Disciplinary Counsel

The Supreme Court of Ohio

65 E. State Street, Suite 1510

Columbus, OH 43215

Toll Free: 1-800-589-5256

P: 614-387-9700

F: 614-387-9709

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